Signs When Commercial Kitchen Needs Range Hood Cleaning Services

Keeping cook tops and food preparation areas spotless is extremely crucial for hygiene reasons. Most restaurant owners understand the basic importance of this, and that's why they prefer to engaging in a regular commercial kitchen cleaning schedule. 
And Here’s the reason...
Grease and dust can build up in range hood fans and even filters quickly, posing a potential fire hazard. And Grease is highly flammable, so the risk of it catching alight and sparking a kitchen fire are increased if the residue build-up is not removed properly on regular basis. 
To remove the excess grease, the kitchen’s hood and ventilation system provide a layer of protection in eliminating air contaminants and odors caused by cooking. So it’s essential and important for business and home owners to take care of the filters and fans so that they operate effectively. They also need to be cleaned properly to minimize health and safety risks, said by professional hood services companies.
However, even with regular or periodically proper maintenance, there are times when a hood fan or filter will need to be replaced completely. 
Here are some further signs to look for that could indicate a hood fan or filter may need to be replaced include:
  • You notice damage on the filter, during a routine cleaning
  • The vent fan no longer draws smoke or cooking smells out of the kitchen as effectively
  • The exhaust/hood fan makes unusual sounds or stops turning completely  
The risk of an exhaust or hood fan failing during operating hours could be devastating to any commercial kitchen operation. The risk of fire is dramatically increased, but there is also the problem of filling the kitchen and dining area with smoke.  
How long will this cleaning service take?
A standard range hood cleaning takes just 3 to 4 hours. However, there are loads of factors that determine how long it takes- Like the length of time between cleanings, the size of the kitchen, and the number of hoods or fans all factor into how long it will take for the job to be completed. 

Why Hire Hood Cleaning Services From Premier Grease? 
Premier Grease begins every kitchen exhaust system cleaning process at the top and then work with their way down — starting with the exhaust fan, then the duct work, and lastly the hood and the filters. After we clean the entire system, we wipe down the hood, shine it, and clean the kitchen of any possible over-spray.  
By making sure your cleanings are completed regularly by Premier Grease, who being known as the trustworthy company will save you money, protect your business, and keep your customers safe. 
If still you have any further questions or would like to request a personalized hood cleaning estimate, you can call our office or fill out the Contact form on our website today!      
Cleaning the exhaust hood system of your kitchen range is essential to maintaining NFPA 96 compliance and ensuring that your restaurant operates at the highest level for your customers. Premier Grease follows a proven process that helps you stay in business while minimizing dangerous commercial kitchen risks.   

Uncover Vital Signs It's Great Time to Hire Grease Trap Removal Services

Did you know??? About 70% of all sewage backups in the commercial kitchen of large and small cities all over the world are caused by the improper disposal of grease and fat. 
So, if you're thinking to open a restaurant anywhere, across the world, it is extremely important to ensure- you have the properly cleaned grease traps in your commercial kitchens. And you cannot just install them in kitchens and leave them be, you need to maintain them properly as well. 
If you can't do this task by own efforts then you can hire professional grease trap removal services anytime, anywhere. 

Here are 3 Vital Signs that You Need Grease Trap Cleaning Services
1.  If You Notice Things, Grease Traps are Working Too Slow
Dirty grease traps don't work properly when they start to top up (fill up). If your grease trap has formed a thick grease cap at the top of the trap, it'll act simply like any other clogged pipe in your restaurant. And moreover, it'll be harder for water as well as other things to drain through.
So, if you notice slow drainage in your commercial kitchen, there may be a good chance to notice that you have reached your drains limits and you need to have your grease trap cleaned and maintained quickly.  
2. The smell of the Kitchen isn't as Appealing as it Usually is...
Grease, oil, sludge, as well as food waste, don't make the most aromatic kitchen scents, especially when they've been sitting around for a long time. 
So, if it has been more than three months since your last grease trap cleaning is done and you notice that your regular day to day cleaning isn't helping the foul stench go away then it may be the right time to do something about that dirty grease trap. 
3. You Found Excess Grease in Other Places
If the grease traps start to clog, the chances are more the grease will try to make its escape through other lines. This could be through your regular sewage pipes, in your water lines and etcetera.
This is a significant sign so you should have to get your traps cleaned before dirty grease traps close down your restaurant for a week or so, as per the specific needs. 

Besides, there are many government organizations from the EPA to the Health Department that have strict standards for grease trap maintenance.
In this manner, a good rule of thumb is to have your grease traps cleaned properly with aid of hood cleaning service at least within every three months.   
Make Sure Don't Delay: Do Clean Your Grease Trap Today
When restaurants wait just one more day to have grease trap cleaning services come: the results can be terrible. Not only it can be harmful to environmental to those around your restaurant, but it can also cost you some serious cash. And at last,  you may have to close down temporarily to clean up the mess, or you've to pay much money on emergency services. 
An unforgettable identity is must-have for every business owner, so make sure your restaurant is up to standards in every way.
Still, have Quires or comments about your grease trap needs? Please feel free to contact Professionals!    

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