Choose Premier Grease for Used Cooking Oil Recycling

Disposing of cooking oil is not easy as it looks, if you drain it, there is a chance it will block your sink. Further, it can cause your plumbing problems. You cannot throw it away like other trash because the process of recycling it is different and complicated.
Dumping the oil down the drain can cause;
  • Clogged pipes,
  • Fatty blobs in the sewer system,
  • Contaminated waterways,
  • Blockage,
  • It can create fatberg
Why not make money and help the environment by saving used cooking oil? Used cooking oil needs recycling to turn in to renewable energy.
Recycling used cooking oil does not cause damage to the environment and at the same time, you can earn extra money for your restaurant expense.
Benefits of Recycling Used Cooking Oil

1. Reduces Waste

When used cooking oil is recycled, waste is reduced tremendously. Used oil solidifies into chunks at low temperatures. These chunks can end up clogging your drain piper and sewage system.
 Besides it also causes inconvenience, the first water will not be able to flow in a proper manner. And second, the sewer might begin spewing unsightly content onto the streets. Not only it will create problem in a daily work routine, but also cost you a tidy sum of money.

2. Beneficial for local business 
Many restaurants are getting involved in used cooking oil recycling. Its growing day by day as more people are realizing the benefits it provides.
In 2017, restaurants oil recycling companies earned around $ 4 billion in revenue. This amount is projected to rise as more and more restaurants are hoped to join the recycling bandwagon.

3. Used cooking oil can be used as bio-diesel
One major reason for used cooking oil recycling is to make fuel. Bio-diesel is a renewable alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel. Most bio-diesel is made from resources such as soybean oil, and waste cooking oil. Bio-diesel can be used for heating buildings as well as powering vehicles. Following are some other benefits of using bio-diesel:
  • Bio-diesel helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • It reduces reliance on foreign oil resources as well.

 4. Protects the environment
We all know that climate change has been declared an emergency. One key factor that is contributing to this problem is greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions arise mostly from the use of vehicles.
By the use of bio-diesel, greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced at a significant rate.
Why Choose Us?

TRAINED PROFESSIONALS: We have a team of trained professionals who are well aware of the importance and are the best in the business.

NO CONTRACTS: We are confident that you will love our services that is why we don’t require long-term contracts.

DIGITAL PICS: We make oversight and record-keeping as easy as digital assets emailed directly to you upon completion. Our before-and-after pictures will make your review process easy.

INSURANCE: Rest assured that our comprehensive $5 million insurance policy protects your business while our cleaning service is on the job!

LOCAL: We live and work in your neighborhoods - we care about your business because our families eat there too! We are famous for our hood cleaning in Atlanta, Savannah, and Jacksonville areas take care of keeping your restaurant clean.
At Premier Grease, we also provide other services as well such as:
  1. Grease trap removal services
  2. Oil recycling
  3. Deep cleaning
  4. Filter exchange program
  5. Vent cleaning
  6. Roof cleaning
Call us at 800 880 1142 or contact us through this form if you want to book our services or wish to know more.

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